• January 2013 – Tristate Midstream adds two natural gas vehicles to its fleet

    Tristate Midstream is pleased to announce the addition of two Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs) to its field fleet. “We are committed to developing natural gas as an alternative fuel source and to promoting a cleaner burning fuel to help reduce auto emissions. Integrating NGVs into our fleet is just one way to show our commitment,” stated Mike Noack, Tristate’s Chief Operating Officer and co-founder. Although the use of NGVs is more common in recent years, the ability to purchase a NGV directly from a manufacturer is still very limited to small residential vehicles and heavy duty fleet trucks and equipment. Fortuitously, instead of having to install a NGV conversion kit, Tristate was able to purchase two brand new Dodge Ram 2500 series trucks from Peters Chevrolet in Longview. These standard duty pick up trucks can use either compressed natural gas or petroleum gasoline as a fuel source and are some of the first to roll off the Dodge factory assembly line. Noack continued, “We are very excited to be one of the first to purchase this type of NGV.”

    For more information on NGVs, you can visit the NGV Americas website at www.ngvc.org or CNG Now at www.cngnow.com.

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